Launch of Rural Road Safety Week | Lets Go Caravan and Camping

Launch of Rural Road Safety Week

Category: Inspiration, News, Safety, Date: 1 September 2022

We here at Let’s Go Caravan and Camping are in full support of the Rural Road Safety Week campaign.

Despite less than a third of Australian’s living in rural areas, rural road deaths make up almost two thirds of the road toll.

To help keep yourself and others safe, refresh your memory and check out some important information on rural road safety.

Did you know?

More than a third of Aussie drivers are using rural roads at least once a week, with an additional 4 in 10 doing so multiple times a year!

The main reason Australians are using rural roads is when they’re going on holiday, visiting family and friends, for work purposes or because they live in these areas.

The volume of rural road usage is expected to rise, with an estimated 85% of Australians planning a road trip within the next 12 months.

A shocking 4 in 10 drivers admit they drive more dangerously on rural roads- which behaviours such as:

  • Not taking fatigue breaks
  • Speeding on rural roads
  • Using a mobile phone behind the wheel
  • Crossing double lines on rural roads.

Another fact is that the danger of unpreparedness is actually most prevalent in those who live in metro areas.

In fact, metro residents are 10% less likely to get their vehicle serviced before heading on a road trip than those living in regional areas.

For caravan weighing safety tips, see our video here.

For caravan hitching tips, see the video here.

To view some pre-trip caravan safety road tips, click here.

For more information on Road Safety, head over to the Australian Road Safety Foundation’s website here.


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