The caravanning and camping lifestyle is perfect for young families – even when it’s extended travel during the school term. The Cunliffes are a family of travel bloggers for Let’s GO caravan and camping, and they have been having a ball travelling over three months from Tassie to Tip. John and Kye have three young kids and they’ve all adjusted to life on the road, sharing both the lessons and the fun as they go.
Travel-mum Kye says, “We are just loving this trip and are super relaxed. We travel slowly and are enjoying the small things that we overlook in the busyness of real life. Our three children are happy and content, John is enjoying having a breather from work, and I’m loving being with my family. As a result, our whole family is running smoothly (with the exception of a few moments)”.
John and Kye have been van-schooling the kids as they travel, which has had its challenges given there are so many activities the kids would rather be doing. However, once the right motivation was in place – an extra two minutes of school for every complaint – the road trip offered plenty of learning activities to engage the kids in their lessons.
Kye says, “Some of our friends back home can’t understand how being on the road with five people in a caravan can be considered anyone’s version of fun. But I can honestly say that this is living! It’s so much fun and I especially seeing that when children don’t have the accessibility to hundreds of toys and electronics, they adapt and learn to make their own fun. We have not once heard the phase ‘I’m bored’”.
The Cunliffe family are travel bloggers for Let’s GO Caravan and Camping. You can check out all their travel stories on the Tassie 2 Tip webpage and stay tuned for more Let’s GO bloggers who are keen to share their adventures with you.
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