Tradies on Tour: Building a Life of Work, Travel, and Adventure on the Road | Lets Go Caravan and Camping

Tradies on Tour: Building a Life of Work, Travel, and Adventure on the Road

Category: Inspiration, News, Date: 7 November 2024

In September 2021, James and Courtney decided the standard 4-weeks annual leave available to most Australians just wasn’t enough. They wanted more- more time spent exploring, more exciting adventures, more priceless moments with their kids. Taking a leap of faith, they decided to trade their ‘forever home’ for new one, a home on wheels! 

Learning to balance work on the road has meant being open and flexible. Courtney works remotely, continuing working in the same industries as before they hit the road just with less hours and a more flexible schedule. Taking work as a broker assistant and assistant bookkeeper provides Courtney with a workload of roughly 25-35 hours a fortnight.  

Where do you find work on the road? 

  • Cold-calling local subcontractors 
  • for short-term and temp contract work 

For James his work as a tradie allows him to consistently pick up work on the road. As a qualified Electrician, Air Con and Refrigeration Technician, when James picks up a work stint, the family will often stop for period to top up the savings and allow the kids to return to mainstream schooling for a few months. To help find work as a tradie, James will often connect with local contractors for subcontracting opportunities or look into securing mine work through FIFO shutdowns.  

“[On the road] we’ve spent a school term in Weipa, QLD, two terms in Mount Isa, QLD, three months in Darwin, NT, six to eight weeks in Melbourne, and now we’re in Perth. Currently, James is working a FIFO roster, balancing two weeks on and two weeks off to mix work with family time.” 

Tradies on Tour

work on the road working tradies on tour

Supporting the work+travel lifestyle has been so important to Courtney and James they even set up their own business to help others do the same! They set up the Tradies on Tour platform to help connect other travelling tradies with job opportunities on the road. Their platform aims to bridge the gap between tradies looking for work and clients, particularly those in remote and rural areas, who are in need of services.  

Balancing [Tradies on Tour] alongside our regular jobs has been challenging but rewarding, knowing we’re helping others embrace a similar lifestyle.” 

Managing Day-to-Day 

work on the road working tradies on tour

Routine is key for James and Courtney’s family, especially as they have kids. When travelling, Courtney typically starts work around 6am and James will help get the kids started with school by 8am. This ensures everyone gets some work done before they need to hit the road again! 

When they are stopped for an extended period, James could be away at work from 6am-6pm, meaning for Courtney balancing work, life and kids can be more of a challenge. 

“One of the most unexpected perks of travelling has been the way it’s exposed us to new industries and different types of work. I had a unique experience where I was flown out to a remote airbase for a 30-minute job—a 1.5-hour flight each way! I’ve never flown to work before, so that was definitely a first!” James

What are your Budget Tips for life on the road? 

  • Don’t treat it like a holiday save where you can 
  • Look for ways to cut costswe look on Aussie House Sitters for gigs around the holidays. It’s a great way to avoid the high accommodation costs of ‘peak’ travel season
  • Consider an investment property —this can provide steady income while you’re on the road 
  • Budget based on workload —when we’re both working, we’ll pay double on certain bills, so we have a financial buffer when we’re back on the road 
  • Cook at home and buy in bulk —eating out, eats up your income and the more remote you go, the more everything costs 
  • Go slow when you can —the slower you go, the more you save on fuel 
  • Plan carefully — At the end of the day, “It’s not about how much you earn, it’s about how much you spend.” 

“[A] major sacrifice is being away from family and friends. While it’s amazing to meet new people and form connections with fellow travellers, there’s nothing quite like the relationships you leave behind.” 

work on the road working tradies on tour

What are the essential tools that make your life possible? 


  • Starlink is a game-changer 
  • A compact and reliable office setup (a laptop and portable screen if a dual screen set up is required) 


  • Basic hand tools 
  • Diagnostic equipment 
  • Battery tools 
  • Lockable tool bag 
  • Licensing! Keeping my tickets up-to-date is crucial 

Why do you do what you do? 

For Courtney, the best part of their lifestyle is flexibility. Having the freedom to travel and move as they wish is liberating and watching their kids explore, learn and fall in love with Australia is priceless. For James, you can’t put a price on the quality family time their lifestyle awards them. The simpler way of life allows them to focus on what truly matters, their family.  

And their message for anyone thinking of hitting the road themselves? Just do it! The freedom to forge your own path is worth the risk and with innovative platforms like Tradies on Tour popping up, there are so many opportunities to find work on the road.  

Facebook @tradiesontour

Instagram @tradies_on_tour

Tradies on Tour Website

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