Get crafty during your at-home camping trip | Lets Go Caravan and Camping

Get crafty during your at-home camping trip

Category: Date: 7 April 2020


While we’re spending less time out adventuring and more time indoors, now is the perfect time to get your craft skills up to scratch.

Craft activities are one of our favourite ways to have fun, stimulate our brains and get away from screens – all at the same time! Craft is a great indoor and outdoor activity, which makes it a perfect option for something to do during your at home camping trip.

Here are a few options to get you started:

Make an Easter basket: The Easter bunny (or bilby!) will be arriving soon, so you better make sure you have a good-looking basket to collect your chocolates. Don’t worry if you can’t find a basket, you can also use a box, a container, or even an upside-down hat. You can decorate the basket with ribbons, flowers, stickers, drawings… whatever you have on hand!

Create your own fireless ‘campfire’: This is a great way to add some atmosphere to your at-home camping setup. You can use sticks, leaves, newspaper, even toilet rolls to create the base of your ‘campfire’, then use celery, coloured paper, or fairy lights to create your own ‘flames’. Simple, but effective!

Paper Mache: All you need is flour water, and a bowl to get started on a paper mache creation (plus paint to decorate, of course!). There are heaps of options and you can make your creation as big or small as you like. Some ideas could be DIY decorative bowls, lamps, planets, lanterns, or even a pinata!

Rock paintings: It might sound odd if you haven’t come across them before, but rock painting is a very popular activity and there are even entire online communities dedicated to it! You can probably find some rocks in your backyard or neighbourhood, and you can decorate them however you want – some people like to turn them into characters, some write inspirational quotes or messages, and some stick with bright patterns! You can either keep them as decorations yourself or drop them along your local footpath or path for somebody else to find. We guarantee it will make them smile and brighten up their day.

Make your own friendship bracelets: This is another easy activity that can be as simple or as complicated as you want, and you can also tweak it depending on what supplies you have available. You could do plaited bracelets made from ribbons or string, beaded bracelets, or even make a ‘nature bracelet’ with decorations you find in your own backyard!

 –Scrapbooking: We are certainly living in an interesting time at the moment, and it is well worth documenting your family’s experience (including your awesome at home camping trip!) so you can look back on it in the future. One of the best parts about scrapbooking is you can make it as simple or as complicated as you like – all you need to get started is a notebook, some pictures, and a bit of creativity. You can have a look online if you want some inspiration, but the options are basically endless – you can decorate with ribbons, stickers, leaves, flowers, newspaper clippings, scraps of material, or basically anything else you can find around the house!

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