Traveling with Pets

Caravanning and camping holidays are a great way for families to enjoy the great outdoors together, and that should include the beloved family pet!
These days, many caravan / holiday parks welcome pets, though every park has its own pet policy.
When making your booking, contact the park directly to:
- Ensure that there has not been a change of policy; and
- Find out whether any conditions apply
Before you leave, ensure that:
- Your pet is fully vaccinated and its registration is up-to-date
- Your pet’s name and your contact details are clearly marked on a name tag attached to their collar
- You have appropriate equipment to transport your pet
- Before you leave home, make sure you pack everything your pet will need for the duration of the trip, as you may not be able to buy the products when travelling or at your final destination.
Items to pack for your pet:
- Vaccination papers – this is vital if you want to leave your pet at a boarding kennel one day on your trip, such as when you want to visit a National Park where pets are not allowed. Kennels may refuse to take your pet if you are unable to provide proof of vaccinations.Food and water bowlsTreats
- Can opener for their food
- Grooming equipment, such as brushes and shampoo
- Toys and blankets and coat if required
- ‘Pooper scooper’ or plastic bags to keep the areas you visit clean
- Collar and lead
- Any medication your pet might require
- On the road, it is important to look after your pet, as some animals react differently to travel and without proper care, it can cause them distress. If you are planning to take them on a long car trip, it might be worthwhile taking them on a short practice drive to monitor their behaviour first.
While travelling, look after your pet by:
- Take enough water for them for the journey
- If you are taking your cat or bird, which traditionally do not like to travel, place a blanket or cover over their carry cage in the car, as this can help to keep them calm.
- Make sure they do not overheat or get too cold
- Make regular stops to exercise your dog during long journeys
During your stay at a caravan / holiday park, make sure you:
- Respect the park’s regulations and be considerate of your fellow guests – don’t allow your pet to dominate the space.
- Always pick up any dog droppings
- Keep your pet under control at all times, as much as for their safety as the safety of those around you.
- With proper planning, your pet will enjoy their holiday as much as the rest of the family!
For expert advice from a fellow camper, contact