Meet the Riddles | Lets Go Caravan and Camping

Meet the Riddles

< Inspiration / Category: Featured Bloggers / Tags: Travel with Kids

Hi, we are the Riddles. We are about to start a caravanning adventure!

There are four people in our family. There is Mum (Sam), Dad (Brad) my little brother Tom (he is 5 and 3/4) and me Grace (I’m 9).

We are from Port Lincoln in South Australia. We live on 6 acres and we have a cat called Millie and 10 sheep. We have rented our house out and the family living there will be looking after our animals.

We are traveling half and a bit around Australia and you are coming with us. We will have lots of adventures and we will share all of them with you.

RCA Riddles Caravanning Adventure 2-01

On the first day I felt nervous because I didn’t know what was going to happen next and excited because we will be going on lots of adventures and we will have lots of fun. My friends and family are very jealous and I was sad I had to say good bye to them but I will make lots more friends everywhere we go. We will be going to lots of beaches and we will take lots of photos and videos for you to see, it will be awesome. Mum and Dad told us that there are some amazing adventure parks and playgrounds. We may even be hiring boats and swimming in coral reefs when we get to warmer waters. There are also lots of people who want to see us. It will be lots of fun so let’s go on an adventure!

Watch the Full Riddles Caravanning Adventure 

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