Some 10 months ago now after a few Sunday beers Colin and I got to talking about the daily grind and the pre-determined expectations that is somewhat built into us. Study, get a career, buy a house, get married, have children and then work to support all of the above. We realised that in doing so we had gotten so bogged down in our ‘activities of daily living’ that we were missing out on sharing our children’s most precious young years.
It felt like the mornings were a blur of breakfasts and packing bags, scraping the glue aka day old dried weetbix off the floor then hurry the kids to car for the daycare drop off, by the time we got home it was dinner, baths a quick bedtime story and sleep. All to repeat the mayhem the next day.
So we came to the unsurprisingly easy decision of putting our busy lives aside and just enjoying the precious little humans we have made. 1 family, 1 year, 1 beautiful big country to explore… our new daily grind.
Meet the as Blackmore while they were on a weekend away in Ballina.
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