Do You Get Sick of Living in a Caravan? - Justin's Bits | Lets Go Caravan and Camping

Do You Get Sick of Living in a Caravan? – Justin’s Bits

< Inspiration / Category: Featured Bloggers / Tags: Travel with Kids Trip in a Van

Justin will be a familiar face to viewers of our Mummy Blogger series as the husband of Bec and father of Jack, Billy and Charli. The family have been travelling around the country in their caravan for the past two years and have certainly learned a lot along the way. Justin will be sharing his perspective through 10 short videos filmed while travelling, offering a fresh perspective and plenty of humour.

Q. Justin, do you get sick of living in a caravan?
A. Not at all

After living in a caravan since December 2015 equating to over 850 days and nights (and counting), Justin could not see a different lifestyle for him and his family. The family gets by on the bare essentials as well as a few creature comforts like individual ready made beds for each of the kids, a full queen side bed (always set up), full kitchen and living areas, TV, air conditioner, full size fridge as well as built in shower and toilet.

Watch the full video and Justin will tell you himself.

Justin’s Bits

Caravanning and Camping Tips from a normal Aussie bloke travelling Aus with his family.

The internet and social media sites are home to an abundance of mummy bloggers sharing their advice for fellow mums, but there’s not as much out there for the dads.

We are proud to introduce Justin’s Bits, a new series covering tips and tricks from a normal Aussie bloke travelling the country with his family.

Stay tuned to our website and social media pages to keep up to date with Justin’s Bits.

Watch the full Justin’s Bits Playlist

For more advice, tips and tricks, and stories, visit our Featured Bloggers section.

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