The Stuart family continues on their Reconnecting is Key Competition journey, exploring Cradle Mountain in Tasmania.
We are now at Cradle Mountain, and yes, it is living up to our expectations!
We are now at the Cradle Mountain Discovery Park, which is right over the road from the National Park Visitors Centre. Again, everything is run so well down here. There is a great parking area (not that we needed it) which is where you catch one of the regular little shuttle buses to the various starting points for all the walks.
There is such a range of landscapes and tracks with choices from 10 minutes, two to three hours, full day or multiple days depending on your fitness, experience and endurance (not to mention love of cool weather!).
Speaking of which, we have lucked it in with the weather. Apparently it rains 250 days, snows 50 and fine weather for 50 (ish) and we had blue skies for most of the day!
Today we did the Dove Lake Circuit. We’re not sure which spectacular walk to do tomorrow and are playing it day by day. Thanks again for the amazing trip!
–The Stuart Family
Follow the Stuart family as they travel across Tasmania by visiting our website.
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