Ball Pits, Frozen Cokes and Missed Opportunities to Shop | Lets Go Caravan and Camping

Ball Pits, Frozen Cokes and Missed Opportunities to Shop

< Inspiration / Category: Featured Bloggers / Tags: Travel with Kids

Hi guys, Kye here!


Halliday’s Point

The adventure continued when we set off for the four hour car ride heading to Halliday’s Point. Up until now, I was a strict with food as I over examined food labels, limited the kids sugar intake and only allowed treats occasionally.  That went out the window and it has been replaced by $1 frozen cokes from Maccas – the best incentive $3 can buy.  It’s funny that when back home, world war three can erupt on the two minute drive to school yet five hours in the car can prove to be a peaceful drive.

Arriving at Halliday’s Point and it was time for a chilled few days. If you could see this caravan park you would understand why we didn’t need to leave it with an indoor play centre and all 5 of us loved the ball pit, mini golf and an indoor heated pool, outdoor water side AND the cutest park train that took the children for a few rides each day.


Thanks Happy Halliday’s Holiday Park. We were spoilt with unreal beaches and we committed a few days of just kids time. I painfully past by TWO op shops – imagine the bargains I left behind! It was great to just relax and watch our children having fun and only having each other, encouraging natural and closer bonds.

Van Schooling

In regards to the van schooling, it’s tricky keeping their attention on the task.  We could be doing maths all morning and Jack is more focussed on whether Santa is bringing him the Lego fire station for Christmas… We are not overly worried as they are all young. We believe the experience will be an education in itself.

Darlington Beach

A few days later were back in the car for a few hours and after a recommendation, we arrived at Darlington Beach.  These caravan parks just keep getting better!!!!!! The kids are getting really spoilt with park activities like kite making, money box painting and t-shirt printing. There was a water park, delicious on site café, games room and a HOT spa.  We have already in our trip started to see familiar families who we have meet at previous parks. It’s really nice to exchange stories of where we have all been and where we plan to head.

We took a day trip to Pebbly Beach. Charlie and I faced our fears and went 4wding. We had to cross a tidal river, rocky roads and steep sand tracks. We made it and it was so worth it. We couldn’t believe how many campers were there and we would love to try take our van there, may be on the way home. We made a fire, cooked our lunch and played some ‘what’s the time Mr Wolf?’


Three weeks down and another two great places visited. This is living!

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