Staying CrocWise While Camping | Lets Go Caravan and Camping

Staying CrocWise While Camping

Category: MDRTNT, News, Safety, Date: 22 July 2024

Stay safe while exploring Croc Country

When caravanning and camping in Australia’s Croc Country, understanding how to stay safe around crocodiles is essential. Here’s what you need to know to reduce your risk and enjoy your adventure responsibly. 

Where is Croc Country? 

Croc Country begins south of Gladstone in Queensland, extends northward across Far North Queensland through the Northern Territory’s Top End and as far South-West as Carnarvon in Western Australia. Any body of water in Croc Country can contain crocodiles. They can inhabit: 

– Rivers and creeks 

– Swamps and lagoons 

– Waterholes 

– Beaches and coastal areas 

– Offshore islands of the Great Barrier Reef and Torres Strait 

Both saltwater and freshwater locations can be crocodile habitats, so always assume a waterway could be home to crocodiles.  

Understanding Crocodile Behaviour 

Crocodiles are stealthy predators that can remain submerged for over an hour and are often invisible in shallow water. They are most active during the night, at dusk, and dawn. Heavy rains and high tides can also increase their movement, bringing them into new areas, so they may be more active during the wet season. 

Top Tips to Reduce Your Risk 

1. Maintain Distance from Water: Always stay at least 5 meters away from the water’s edge. Use a barrier like an esky or large rocks if you need to get closer. 

2. Dispose of Food Properly: Ensure all food scraps and fish remains are disposed of in bins or taken home. Leaving food near water or campsites attracts crocodiles. 

3. Keep Pets on a Leash: Pets, particularly dogs, are enticing prey for crocodiles. Keep them on a lead and away from the water. 

4. Avoid Small Watercraft: Small vessels like kayaks and paddleboards increase your risk. Use larger boats and keep limbs inside the boat. 

5. Stay Clear of Crocodile Traps: These traps are designed to attract crocodiles. Do not fish or boat near them. 

Be Crocwise When Fishing, Boating, and Camping 


– Fish at least 5 meters from the water’s edge and use objects as barriers. 

– Never retrieve fishing lures from the water if they get snagged. 


– Use your boat as a shield when launching and retrieving. 

– Keep limbs inside the boat at all times. 


– Set up camp well away from the water. 

– Limit your time at the water’s edge when collecting water, and avoid repeated behavior that crocodiles can recognize. 


– Swim only in designated areas and during daylight hours. 

– Avoid swimming in murky waters and always obey warning signs. 

By following these guidelines, you can significantly reduce your risk and enjoy a safe, memorable experience in Croc Country. Always stay alert and respect the natural habitat of these powerful predators. 

For more information on how to stay CrocWise on your travels, check out Queensland, Northern Territory and Western Australia Government’s advice.

For more Safe Camping Education, check out our Safety Page.


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